Wednesday, October 19, 2022

October 19, 2022 - Love those Wednesdays.

Until the end of the year, I'm off work on Wednesdays again and by miracle, today was the only day of the work week with good weather, warm and most importantly, dry. Being off on Wednesday, gives me the chance and motivation to visit the otherwise so crowded areas, like Cuvier for example, one of the areas where I am rarely to be found during the weekend.
For today, I had set my mind on "Vert Clair" on the very popular boulder of "Holey Moley" and "Le Biceps Mou". Being Wednesday, and early, I arrived at the boulder, and I was alone. The side of "Holey Moley" was still wet, but the side with "Vert Clair" had already received some early morning sun and was dry.
I had tried "Vert Clair" once before, but when I couldn't figure out the right heel-toe jam, I had given up on it pretty quickly. Today however, I was going to spend some time on it. As expected, I did indeed need some time to figure out that heel-toe, but once I did, the other moves didn't feel like too much of a problem for me. When I then tried the first move separately and did it, I turned on the camera and sent "Vert Clair" without hesitation, much faster than I had imagined.

Fontainebleau - Cuvier - Vert Clair 7B+

I briefly spent some time trying "Vert Nulle Part", but when the surroundings started to become more populated and louder, I decided to leave the area and make a small detour via "Rocher Saint-Germain Ouest" on my way back home. I tried it a few times after I had done "Deus Ex Machina", and even though being really close, the heat that day was too much to bear.
The boulder was directly in the sun, but it was much less hot than last time, and I was able to send it quite fast. I love those Wednesdays being off work.

Fontainebleau - Rocher Saint-Germain Ouest - Si t'es Petit, Sois Technique (assis) 7B+(7B)

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