Friday, April 6, 2018

April 06, 2018 - Free for all.

It's my oldest son's 15th birthday today, and I had taken the day off for the occasion.
Of course, he had to go to school, so I was able to profit from a beautiful warm and sunny Spring day.
Blue sky, sun, the warmth that comes with it, singing birds, flourishing trees and plants, ... it was all for free at Rocher Canon this morning. Even the hugs were.
Even though I'm not a real hugging type, but when it's a boulder and for free, I'm all for it.

"Free Hug" needs a lot of hugging.
Beautiful pillar with hard compression moves on very bad slopers from start to end.

Fontainebleau - Rocher Canon - Free Hug 7B

Despite it being a regular Friday, the area was quite crowded.
From all the other problems around that I still want to do or try, only "Babaobab" was free, as usual.
The lowball does indeed seem to be lost a bit in between all the bigger boulders nearby.
It looks like something small and easy, but reality proved the contrary, about the easy part at least.
Maybe it felt hard because of the higher temperature, but nevertheless, a fun boulder, definitely worth the effort!

Fontainebleau - Rocher Canon - Babaobab 7B

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