Wednesday, August 24, 2016

August 24, 2016 - Not hot enough?

I have been away for work for a couple of days, about 450 km more South, so I hadn't been climbing.
This morning I drove back home and when I was nearly there, it was already 34°C. It was predicted that for at least 3 days, the temperature will be well over 30°C. There is even an "Alerte Orange" for the region.

At a few miles from home I stopped (ironically enough) at Vallée Chaude. As if it wasn't hot enough already.
There was a new boulder published on just after the weekend, and it looked beautiful so I definitely wanted to try it.
There are only a handful of boulders in Vallée Chaude and all of them are widespread around.
I tried to follow the access description as good as I could, but still I ended up leaving my stuff at an isolated to continue my search without being packed. The heat was terrible.

I followed my logical senses and managed to find it in a spot where one wouldn't immediately go look.
I will not disclose the exact location, so people who want to do it, can maybe put their smartphones down and instead of looking for Pokémon, look for the boulder.
When I found the boulder, I didn't see any Pokémon, but I did see that the slopers were bathing in the sun.
After bringing back my stuff, the slopers were still bathing in the sun, and I was bathing in my sweat.

Maybe it was because I hadn't climbed for some days, or something else, but I flashed it as if it was an easy 6A.
It was probably the easiest of the grade that I ever did, but it sure was beautiful. I felt sorry that it was over so fast, so I did again a couple of times, even added a sitstart to it but that didn't add anything to the grade.

Fontainebleau - Vallée Chaude - Ecarte un Maxx 7A(7A+)

In the evening I went to Villetard to try "Le Toit de Nanteau (direct)", but after some tries I had to give up due to the heat.
The heat was coming from everywhere. From the air, from the sand below and from the warmed up sandstone boulders around me. On top of that, the small spot is surrounded by boulders, leaving no room for a refreshing wind to pass and cool me down.
I'll come back when it's much cooler. It was more than hot enough!

Le Toit de Nanteau.

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