Friday, May 19, 2023

May 19, 2023 - The Sharingan.

Unlike yesterday, I wanted to go for something harder today and gave me quite the treat with "Le Charingan" in Canche aux Merciers. It was a bit of a risk going to Canche aux Merciers on a long weekend like this, but I was early and just before the big crowd. Not a luxury, because when I left back home almost two hours later, the place was packed and cars were parked until far on the road.
I had noticed "Le Charingan" only last week and the compression style prow with bad slopers attracted me. My skin was worse than I expected from yesterday, but knowing that I won't have time for climbing tomorrow, I didn't care and decided to give it all I had left. I just didn't realize how extremely bad the slopers actually are and how difficult the topout is when you are not tall. The boulder completely wrecked my skin. Nevertheless, a very nice problem that suited my style and gave me a lot of work after all. Me swearing is not about failing on some attempts, but mostly because I was getting frustrated with the ever going growing crowds and I started to get desperate to leave. I was relieved that I could after topping out.

Fontainebleau - Canche aux Merciers - Le Charingan 7C

I was curious what "Le Charingan" actually means and apparently the term comes from the Manga series Naruto and describes the ability that allows a ninja to copy, by mere sight, their opponents’ techniques while gaining incredible reflexes and perceptive abilities. (Source)

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