Friday, May 24, 2019

May 24, 2019 - Le Cachou.

Just like the 95.2 area, you will rarely see me climbing in Franchard Isatis during the weekend or holidays. On a Friday evening after work on the other hand, it can be quite nice and calm.

This evening I went to Franchard Isatis with the idea of trying "Machete Kills Again", but I quickly discovered that this wasn't going to work out, at least not today, so I moved over to the nearby "Froggy Dick".
The motivation to do such a big dyno didn't really get in me, so I quickly gave up on that too and started browsing for some other quick ideas. That's when I stumbled upon "Le Cachou" again.
I had tried "Le Cachou" on one of my previous visits in Isatis, but as that was already quite a while ago, I had totally forgotten about it.
Located on one of the huge boulders near "La Memel", it was close from where I was and I immediately felt psyched to try it again.

It had been quite warm today, which it still was and the bad slopers on the warmed up sandstone didn't offer a lot of friction, but when compressing it hard enough, it seemed still possible.
I took a ten minute break after working out the moves and a few attempts later, I found myself high on the top of that huge boulder. Luckily I was able to flash the downclimb!

Fontainebleau - Franchard Isatis - Le Cachou 7B+

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