I really enjoyed the moves of "Sac à Rose" and was able to finish quite quickly.
Fontainebleau - Justice de Chambergeot - Sac à Rose 7B
Immediately after, I also bagged the easier "L'Acte Possible 1", also catalogued as a traverse, but not feeling like one. I flashed this one with relative ease.
Fontainebleau - Justice de Chambergeot - L'Acte Possible 1 7A(6C+)
I finished the session by doing "L'Acte Osé 2" on my second attempt. Going quite a way sideways, this started to feel like a traverse, but the moves are really nice and it was well worth it.
Fontainebleau - Justice de Chambergeot - L'Acte Osé 2 7B+
Respect makker !!!!! 💪💪💪
ReplyDeleteRespect makker 💪💪💪 grtz Baldwin