Saturday, June 18, 2022

June 18, 2022 - Got the worm.

I had inspected "L'Epiderme de la Terre (assis)" the first time a few years ago, right after Tony (Fouchereau) had opened it, along with many other boulders in the Eastern part of the J.A. Martin area. It didn't appeal to me as the sitstart looked weird and unattractive and I had forgotten about it since, until last week. Last Sunday we had arranged a late birthday party for my youngest son, Noah, and the plan was to have the party with nine other kids from school that he had invited for a treasure hunt in J.A. Martin. Having not a lot of time to climb, it was obvious that I would climb at the area and decided to give "L'Epiderme de la Terre (assis)" a chance.
It took a few tries before I started to appreciate the moves and have to admit that even the much easier standing start was fun to climb. By the time I had worked out all the moves though, it was time to pack up and start making preparations for the party and treasure hunt.
Being so close last Sunday, I went back on Tuesday evening, thinking that it would be a quick deal knowing all the moves, but I left before dinner, meaning that I hadn't eaten anything yet all day, and already after the first attempt, my arms were pumped. Quite a lot of attempts followed, but due to pumped arms and low energy levels, I fell off the last move many times. It was a shame to admit to myself that I would have to come back for it again, especially having been so close many times. I was determined to come back today, the hottest day of the week, but leave early in the morning.
Yesterday the thermometer topped off at 41°C and as they predicted today to be even hotter, with already 28°C announced at 10h in the morning, it was a necessity to leave early, which I did, but not after eating a small bowl of muesli. Despite leaving early, it was already warm, but I knew that at this time of the day, the boulder was shaded by trees around it. Nevertheless, I was sweating hard already after warming up with the standing start which I did on my first go, which gave me confidence for doing the ending when coming from the quite powerful sitstart. The first couple of moves are not difficult, but the slopers are pretty bad and require quite some power to stick on them. It went down quickly today, and I felt relieved. My forearms were glad as well as those warm slopers were a bit of a torture for them.
The early bird gets the worm, and it was good one.

Fontainebleau - J.A. Martin - L'Epiderme de la Terre (assis) 7B+

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