Friday, July 30, 2021

July 30, 2021 - Saved by a tree.

I don't know why, but for some reason I had always walked passed "La Fourmi Verte" without noticing it whenever I was in Buthiers Tennis. Maybe, I always chickened out because of the height, but I couldn't even remember having a look at it before.
Yesterday though, I did have a good look at it and started trying it as soon I felt confident. The crux is near the top and as I only had one crashpad with me and because of having a very painful back as a leftover from my visit to Apremont Désert a few days ago, I felt hesitant to give it all I had. Despite that, I did come pretty close and was determined to come back the next day, but with an extra crashpad to boost my confidence.
This morning, I turned my determination into fact and took an extra crashpad before leaving to Buthiers Tennis again. 
After seeing a couple of videos of "La Fourmi Verte", I noticed how high others had put their right foot for the crux. I tried the same on my first attempt today, but a slip of my left foot set me back on the ground below. It was a slip that could have caused a bad fall, but luckily I was able to avoid that. Nevertheless, it did make me rethink my method with a lower right foot and I looked for good spot where to place it, but there wasn't much. Somehow, I did manage to keep it where I wanted and was able to push through the crux and up onto the high boulder.
There I was, feeling relieved and excited, but couldn't immediately see a way how to climb down and with my still painful back, I didn't want to risk jumping down. Luckily, a nearby tree was there to be my savior and allowed me to climb down safely.
Beautiful problem of which I'm still wondering why it was able to escape my attention for so long.

Fontainebleau - Buthiers Tennis - La Fourmi Verte 7B(7A+)

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