Friday, March 8, 2019

March 08, 2019 - Autopilot.

Due to a huge long lasting project at work, with long hectic days, my head seems to be always full and hard to empty.
Even though I was finally able to go for a short half hour climb early this evening, it still felt like I was running on autopilot when I was walking down the hill of Apremont Butte aux Dames.
I had just done both jump start and the static of "Recherche Fondamentale", but still I didn't feel like I could disconnect properly.

Anyway, here's the jump start.

Fontainebleau - Apremont Butte aux Dames - Recherche Fondamentale (en jeté) 7B

And the static start.
Just a tiny bit harder, but still soft for the grade.

Fontainebleau - Apremont Butte aux Dames - Recherche Fondamentale 7B+

The weather forecast doesn't look promising for this weekend.

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