Sunday, October 24, 2021

October 24, 2021 - The queen's turn.

Since last week I've been having trouble with my right arm. The tendon that attaches my biceps to the inner side of my arm, at the height of my elbow, has been hurting pretty bad. Very likely I'm having an inflammation of the tendon, so I should take it more easy.
This morning, I met Pieter at Rocher de la Reine and we warmed up in "Napoléon (droite)", which I did on my second attempt, soon followed by Pieter.

Fontainebleau - Rocher de la Reine - Napoléon (droite) 7A(6C+)

I had already done "Napoléon (assis)" several times, but quickly repeated it as we were there anyway. Pieter also did this one pretty
Staying in a more or less warm up, we then moved over to "L'Isoloir" right below the crest on the North side of the hill.
"L'Isoloir" only required a handful of attempts, but didn't feel like a give-away. Using a method that suited him more, Pieter followed soon after me.

Fontainebleau - Rocher de la Reine - L'Isoloir 7A

"L'Isoloir (direct)" is supposed to be a bit harder, according to the grade, but both Pieter and I flashed it with relative ease. We both agreed that the direct version felt easier than the other.

Fontainebleau - Rocher de la Reine - L'Isoloir (direct) 7A+

I could feel the pain in my arm getting worse, but we decided to move to "Gengis Khan" anyway. Both Jans, Jan de Smit and Jan Gorrebeeck, were there too and we had nice moment together there in the sun.
I spotted Jan G. when he finished "Gengis Khan" in style. Despite some not so bad attempts, I couldn't go all the way anymore due to pain in my arm. My mind wanted to continue, but it was wiser to listen to my body and call it a day. "Gengis Khan" is definitely on my list again.

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