Saturday, December 10, 2022

December 10, 2022 - Changing plans.

My initial plan was to go and try "La Tour de Babel" in Dame Jouanne, but when I arrived at the boulder and took my phone out of my pocket, I noticed that Pieter had sent me a message when I was driving. Bram (Honorez) was with him, and they wanted to go and try "Le Dolmen du Divin" in Rocher de Milly. I was at that boulder a few weeks ago and had worked out the moves of "Entrailles" which exits on the right. Working out the method had taken such a long time though, that I couldn't finish it anymore from the start. As the boulder is at a half hour walk from the parking, I was very tempted to join them as it would spare me from carrying two crashpads that whole way. I gave "La Tour de Babel" a few tries, but quickly told myself that it was too morpho for the time being and used it as an excuse to pack up and drive back to join Pieter and Bram to try "Entrailles".
While they were working on "Le Dolmen du Divin", I quickly tried the separate moves of "Entrailles", using a completely different method than what I had seen on the few videos of it on the web, at least for the last part. I did the separate moves quicker than expected and was able to send "Entrailles" on my first attempt when coming from the start. Leaving "La Tour de Babel" to join Pieter and Bram had proven to have been totally worth it.

Fontainebleau - Rocher de Milly - Entrailles 7C

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