Thursday, April 20, 2017

April 20, 2017 - No more medicine!

It's has been already more than two years ago now that they had to remove my spleen and the tail of my pancreas to save my life.
Because of that I had to take antibiotics (penicillin) two times a day for at least two years as the immune system is mostly regulated in the spleen. So far the biology lesson.
After another checkup two weeks ago and discussing the results with my doctor this morning, I finally got the word that I may stop taking them.
I didn't feel particularly glad or relieved, it was more like "okay". It had become such a habit over time, that I didn't really bother about it anymore.
The relief was actually, to know that everything was fine inside me.

This evening after diner, I decided to try "Prouesse" in Rocher des Souris.
It's a very short walk and the time gained could be well used. At least, that's what I thought, because barely fifteen minutes later I was walking back to the car again after having done "Prouesse".

I had never tried "Prouesse" before, because I couldn't figure out how it would start.
After a seeing a video of someone climbing it not long ago, I wondered why I had never noticed the crimp right hand to start with.
The crimp is quite high though and getting my second foot off the ground without loosing my balance was the trickiest part.
What follows is not that hard anymore. As soon as I was able to lift my second foot up, I only needed a second try to finish it off.
Soft for the grade, but a very nice line!

Fontainebleau - Rocher des Souris - Prouesse 7B(7B+)


  1. Nice line. Looks reasonably easy but then again the video may be deceiving.
