Saturday, October 14, 2023

October 14, 2023 - Fracture Asociale.

I am not broken, nor did I break anything, but I am not keen on crowds or people around me, so I guess I do am a bit a-social. "Fracture Asocial" in Coquibus Rumont has both in its name though. Every time I passed that big boulder, I had a look at it and told myself that I should come back for this especially, but that moment never came, until this morning when went to Coquibus Rumont with only "Fracture Asociale" as a plan.
When I felt the holds and started working the moves separately, my first impression was that this might take a while. I started with trying the topout, which went pretty well, the first move went as well, but the moves in between the start and the lip of the overhang felt hard and made me doubt about a an ascent happening today. It was mainly the move to the flat undercling that gave trouble and it didn't feel like I could stick it, until I decided to take a small intermediary in the crack instead of making a big move directly, completely out of balance. To my big surprise, it worked out and I decided to give it real attempt from the start. I didn't expect to stick the flat undercling again, but when I did, I carried on, trying to not slip out of it as it felt like that could happen any moment, even more when I stuck the move to the lip. I knew that if I could stay on until my right foot was locked, that I should be able to finish. I stayed on, locked my right foot and executed the final moves with regained confidence. A true beauty this one!

Fontainebleau - Coquibus Rumont - Fracture Asociale 7B+

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