Sunday, June 23, 2024

June 23, 2024 - Embracing the heat.

I had tried "La Coquine" in Montrouget once about a year ago and remember that it was hot there and I could barely do any of the moves. I'm quite sure it wasn't necessarily because of the heat, but rather because it really felt hard. After a week with a lot of rain, I figured it would be a good idea to go back "La Coquine", knowing it would dry quick there on the South face of the hill. As expected, it was all perfectly dry, and hot, but this time I embraced the heat as we hadn't noticed much of the Summer so far.
I warmed up trying the last moves of the topout, but when I looked at what seemed like the crux move, the one from the sloper to the three finger crimp right hand under the roof, it looked impossible. To be able to get more into the session, I turned to "La Coquinette" first, which I hadn't tried last time. It went down quickly on my third attempt.

Fontainebleau - Montrouget - La Coquinette 7A+

No more reasons to be possible distracted by something else, I was now forced to focus on "La Coquine", but I had a hard time to work out the crux move. It still didn't seem like it was possible, so instead I kept on trying the first moves up to the sloper, just to make sure that I was able to get there every time, but always failing on that crux. Then suddenly, after a short break without ever expecting it, I was able to do the crux move when coming from the start. It turned out to be possible. It gave me hope and confidence, but I still needed quite some tries to be able to stick it again, but this time I fell on the last move. I was able to finish it off on my next attempt though. 
This is a true beauty!

Fontainebleau - Montrouget - La Coquine 7B+(7B)

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