Sunday, June 16, 2024

June 16, 2024 - A long day.

I met Victor (Burger) and his son yesterday around in noon in Rocher Saint-Germain with the intention to go and try "Anicroche". I chose this one from Victor's list because it was a relatively easy walk when taking the Route de Luxembourg, and the boulder isn't too high. My ankle is still swollen and I still don't want to jump or fall off too high yet and also don't want to weaken it by walking too long, or on sketchy paths.
Victor was able to climb it very fast, within a small handful of attempts and repeated it again so I could make a video of him doing it. 
I apparently needed more time and many more attempts and Victor decided to already leave to try another boulder on the way back. I didn't mind being left alone and continue trying "Anicroche". The crux of "Anicroche" is definitely the first move and trying it many times in a row really bites in the energy levels. After I finally stuck the move, but still fell off where I didn't expect to fall off anymore, I took a break and finished it soon after.

Fontainebleau - Rocher Saint-Germain Centre - Anicroche 7C

Arriving back at my car around 15h, I noticed that Victor's car was still there, but I left anyway as I had told him before that I wanted to leave around 15h, 15h30 the latest.
Driving home through Arbonne-la(Forêt, Victor called, but the reason why sounded terrifying. He fell off "Morpholoubli" and suspected that he broke his heel bone. As he wasn't able to walk at all, I told him I would continue to my house to pick up crutches, pain killers and water and then come straight back to help him out. Arriving at the scene, he was in lots of pain, but was able to walk with the crutches while his son and I took all the gear. We went straight to the hospital and I stayed with them to translate and keep them company during the many hours of waiting. The X-ray unfortunately confirmed what Victor suspected. His heel bone is severely fractured. It didn't look good. Waiting for the verdict, operation or not, took another couple of hours, but luckily we got the news that an operation wasn't needed. 
Bart (Van Raaij) who arrived in the area in the evening, had come over to help with the logistics part (thanks Bart!!). While he drove with Victor's car to bring Vctor and his son to their house in Nemours, I followed with mine so I, in turn, could bring Bart back to his car in Fontainebleau. It was 22h30 when I finally arrived back home.

1 comment:

  1. What is life without friends who are there for each other! Thx a million for all your help Filip!
