Thursday, June 6, 2024

June 06, 2024 - For fun's sake.

Yesterday evening I had another really good session in the low roof that I have been trying for a while. Despite falling off the last move again a few times, it felt like an improvement, because thanks to the muscle memory, I was able to flow through the first part much better. The moves are still hard, but I almost executed them automatically. 
This evening, I wanted to go for another short climb, but realizing that I felt too tired from yesterday to spend another session in the roof today, I decided to go for something close and most likely a quick deal. Having done the sitstart of "Le Hérisson" back in October 2015, almost nine years ago, I thought it would be a quick win to do the standstart, which apparently has its own page on now. 
As expected, it was a quick deal and I did it on my second attempt. Finding the boulder back again had taken longer than unpacking and actually doing the problem. Just for fun's sake, I did it again immediately, but slightly different. Just for fun's sake.

Fontainebleau - Roche aux Oiseaux - Le Hérisson (debout) 7B(7A+)

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