Wednesday, May 15, 2024

May, 15, 2024 - Rainbow means rain.

The weather forecast doesn't look good for the second half of the week, including the weekend, and it looked like today after diner would be the best moment to go for a quick climb. It had to be something nearby though, and I remembered that Ludo Delmotte opened a new nice 7B prow in Rocher Guichot. Ideal!
When I was stepped in the car, I noticed a rainbow in the distance which looked to be close to Le Vaudoué. There can be no rainbow without rain, so I feared the worst. I only live a couple kilometers from Le Vaudoué and even though it was completely dry at home, just before and in Le Vaudoué, the streets were wet. It wasn't raining at the moment though so I went to have a look anyway. To my pleasant surprise, the boulder I wanted to try was perfectly dry. Not a luxury, because I immediately noticed that very good friction is required for this one.
When I started trying, it quickly became obvious that this was going to be hard for the proposed grade of 7B. Luckily, the boulder allows for working out the moves separately, which didn't take very long. Linking them all together though proved to something else. Absolutely no room for error and barely time to breathe on each move.
Got away with the ascent just before the rain, not counting the few drops that fell down from the trees with every breeze while I was still trying.
I was very pleasantly surprised with how nice this problem is. Really worth the effort if you like this style. I loved it.

Fontainebleau - Rocher Guichot - Exuberance 7B(7B+)

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