Friday, August 30, 2019

August 30, 2019 - Muscle memory.

Last Sunday I had fallen off the last hard move of "Trinity", the conventional method, several times so I had done everything from the start quite a lot. I had a big feeling that I would have been able to do it if my body wasn't that tired yet.
The whole week, I couldn't stop thinking about it until finally this evening after work, I had some time to go back.
I had taken two crashpads with me, but just like Sunday, there were still three crashpads lying in the back of the cave. Someone is most likely projecting "Blozone", or maybe something new.
It allowed me to cover the complete line, including the small boulder under it, which wasn't an unnecessary luxury.

Having tried it so many times only a few days ago, I still had the moves in me and on the first attempt of the day, my muscle memory guided me me through the problem. I was barely thinking, just executing, until I had the final hold.
A very nice line!

Fontainebleau - Buthiers Nord - Trinity 7B+(7C)

With the time I had left, I managed to make a rather quick ascent of the beautiful "Matrix Reloaded" on the other big roof at the start of the area.

Fontainebleau - Buthiers Nord - Matrix Reloaded 7A+(7B)

Followed by the sandy and not as nice the other problems, "La Guerre des Machines". A lot harder than it looks, but that's probably due to the sandy holds.

Fontainebleau - Buthiers Nord - La Guerre des Machines 7A+(7A)

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