Friday, January 19, 2018

January 19, 2018 - Something new.

The first half of the week I was away for work, but it seemed that I didn't miss out on anything.
Yesterday was dominated by rain, as was this morning, but late afternoon, the sun finally came through.
With the daylight slowly getting longer again in the evening, I still had time to look for something new after work.

Tony (Fouchereau), Thierry (Vasseur) and friends have been busy again lately and cleaned a lot of boulders, mainly small ones, between the classical area of Roche aux Sabots and the 91.1 area.
Enough boulders to create a new small sector called Roche aux Sabots Est.
A lot of new boulders to try in the lower grades, but also a couple in the seventh grade.
One of them is "Le Bélier", which attracted me the most and was basically also the only dry one.

Looking at the picture on, I had expected the boulder to be bigger, so it took me while before I found it in the little chaos of small boulders.
"Le Bélier" is a small boulder, but it was new and visually it has something to it.
The typical wave textured slopers make it feel like you're climbing on a turtle's back.

It was quickly done, but I had some fun and at least I was able to climb something new.
Fun little boulder!

Fontainebleau - Roche aux Sabots Est - Le Bélier 7A(7A+)

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