Wednesday, August 23, 2017

August 23, 2017 - L5.

I have been out for almost a week due to bad back pain that was haunting me already for a few weeks from time to time.
Lately it had gotten worse however, and on some days I wasn't able to sit or lay down for a while.
Something felt completely stuck and started giving a severe cramp in my lower back.

After having had another pain attack last Sunday, I went to an emergency osteopath who did some tests and noticed that my "L5" was stuck and didn't move.
At first I was really surprised, because I didn't even know that I had an "L5", I didn't know what it looked like, let alone knew how it got stuck.
On the other hand, I felt somehow relieved, because if he knew what was wrong, he could probably fix it too.
I don't know how he did it, but he got my "L5" moving again somehow.
Instantly I was able to move better, but still had to watch out with certain movements for a couple of days.

Today, even though some specific movements still didn't feel completely right yet, I did go to Gorge aux Châts.
I didn't want to try anything too hard today already, but still I walked straight to "La Selle Orientale", a relatively new 7A on the boulder with "Un Franc du Kilomètre".
Carefully I tried the moves separately to make sure not to do an unexpected wrong move and hurt my back too much in the process.
Some of the most logical moves were too painful at first, but after a while, without forcing anything, my back got used to them more and more.
I still couldn't climb how I would have really wanted to, it felt a little bit sore, but at least I was climbing again.
I'm (more or less) back! (pun intended)

Fontainebleau - Gorge aux Châts - La Selle Orientale 7A

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