Sunday, October 13, 2019

October 13, 2019 - Powerless.

After having spent three sessions trying and doing "La Coccinelle" this week, my body felt tired and is in need for some energy recovery.
Pieter and Alberto arrived Friday night and they had their mind set on trying technical slabs. Not really my style, but I was in for some  change and we met at Cuvier Merveille.
During the whole day, I worked in three 7A slabs and couldn't top out any of them and my body felt more tired than ever.

Today, we went to Buthiers Canard, still very tired, but at least managed to flash the rediscovered "Knee Bar", immediately followed by Pieter.

Fontainebleau - Buthiers Canard - Knee Bar 7A

Pieter still managed to finish the beautiful "L'Esprit du Knee Bar", which starts deep in the cave and end in "Knee Bar". I fell near the end two times, leaving me completely powerless for the rest of the day.

Trying "L'Esprit du Knee Bar". Thanks to Pieter for the picture.

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