Saturday, November 25, 2023

November 25, 2023 - The game is on.

I was gone abroad for work this week, which kind of wore me out, so I didn't expect too much of climbing today.
It has been seven years since I did "Game One" in Apremont Butte aux Dames, and I decided to go and try the sitstart. While warming up, I was surprised to repeat the standing start much quicker than I anticipated, which allowed me more time to work on the sitstart. Just like seven years ago when I briefly tried the sitstart, there is morphologically no way for me to reach the starting holds when sitting down on my butt, so I worked from the lowest start possible. It adds a few quite difficult moves to get into the standing start and makes one lose some friction, but it was very cold and the conditions were great.
It was a nice feeling when I finally managed to top it out.

Fontainebleau - Apremont Butte aux Dames - Game One (assis) 7C

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