Wednesday, June 23, 2021

June 23, 2021 - Climb or burn ... out.

I can cope with some stress at work and sometimes even find a certain joy in it, even for several days in a row, but when it doesn't stop and only seems to get worse up to the point that I can't find the joy anymore and having a hard time to even motivate myself due to it, then there are two things that I can do. Either I go to the forest for a climb, let it all out and avoid my family having to cope with my bad mood, or slowly start to burn out and let my family suffer with it. Today was one of those days and I chose for my health and my family not having to cope with the mood I was in.
It doesn't have to be for long, but just a while can already be enough to forget the stress and focus on just me, the forest and some boulders to climb on.
I didn't go far, wasn't away for long, but it was just enough to remediate myself, calm myself down and come back home a different person.

The first thing I tried, was the recently published "Conte Air Bourg", near the top of the hill of Justice de Noisy. I flashed it with relative ease.
Afterwards, I repeated "Jouant Après les Pins", which I did in September last year, quite quickly.
All in all, I was only gone for not even an hour, but it was a different me, the normal me, that arrived back home.

Fontainebleau - Justice de Noisy - Conte Air Bourg 7A+

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