Thursday, March 6, 2025

March 06, 2025 - Releasing steam.

I can cope with quite some stress, but the last weeks have been very demanding at work and I do feel the need sometimes to release some steam. I felt like I needed it today and went for a short climb after work now that the daylight starts to last longer again.
I didn't mind the long walk to the Diplodocus area, it felt good to be in the forest in the evening again.
A few weeks ago, I had been trying "Plaplatix" and by the time that I found a possible sequence, it had already shut me down. The countless attempts on very bad slopers had taken their toll.
This time, after practicing the topout, where I always fell last time, it went pretty smooth and I only needed one attempt from the start to finish it. This one definitely felt harder than it looked at first sight.

Fontainebleau - Diplodocus - Plaplatix 7B+

After watching a video of  "À Flore de Peau", a beautiful slab, I was able to do it on my second attempt.
I was happy with the short session. It had completely disconnected me and it was exactly what I needed. I was even still on time for dinner at home.

Fontainebleau - Diplodocus - À Flore de Peau 7A+

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