Saturday, February 22, 2025

February 22, 2025 - Migrated.

After a rainy morning, the sun finally did come out and there was a good breeze, so I hoped to be able to climb something. Recently, a new problem was opened on the boulder of "Migration Lente" in Roche aux Oiseaux, and knowing that it is on the top of the hill, helped me make my decision to go and try it out. 
"Bib le Migrant" only consists of three moves, including getting last foot off the ground, so I expected it to be really hard. It starts off with a bad slopey crimp from which you have to make quite a big deadpoint move to a good two to three finger crimp and then make another big move to the good top hold. I seemed to have very good skin today, because I immediately was able to hold my position when taking my second foot off the ground. The deadpoint move to the high crimp felt hard at first, but not t all impossible. Surprisingly, I got closer and closer at a fast rate and when I felt ready to turn on the camera, was able to send almost straight away. Nice, but felt quite soft for the proposed grade of 7C.

Fontainebleau - Roche aux Oiseaux - Bib le Migrant 7C

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