Monday, April 4, 2016

April 04, 2016 - Ice cream anyone?

Yesterday I was out of the country so sadly enough I wasn't able to enjoy the nice sunny weather here to go climbing.
When I arrived back home yesterday evening, it even started raining until deep in the night.
Luckily today the sun was out again and temperatures went up to about 18°C.

After work I stopped to climb a couple of problems in Apremont Bizons.
My right shoulder still hurts, so I thought something not too hard to start would be good, something like "Sarkopabo".

I will never forget the first time I climbed it in 2010, on April 4th 2010, so to the day 6 years ago.
It was in Eastern holiday, a couple of days before my oldest son's birthday, Anthony.
I will never forget it, because when we arrived back at the tavern on the parking that day, we of course had a drink, and Anthony was allowed to have an ice cream.
We were sitting there at a table and suddenly the sky became dark with grey, black-ish clouds and it started rumbling.
Seconds later, the clouds opened up and released a short monsoon of rain. We had to run and seek shelter.
I can still see us standing, sheltering under the small entrance of the tavern's terrace, Anthony still happily licking his ice cream.

"Sarkopabo" went down fast, but the idea of warming up into it wasn't that good.
It hurt the muscles on my right shoulder a lot again. It will still take some time to heal completely ...

Fontainebleau - Apremont Bizons - Sarkopabo 6C+(7A)

When I stood on top of the boulder, I suddenly had a song in my head. I can't remember which one, but it was one by Bob Marley and the Whalers.

My shoulder required some rest, so I strolled around a bit and went to check out the boulder with "Scream" in a remote part of the are, on the other side of the path.
In a couple of weeks the ferns will be so high again that they will hardly let you through.

The 7C dyno from "Scream" is way too hard and too far for me, but right next to it, there is also a nameless 7A dyno.
You start with the pocket of "Scream" left hand but then dyno to the right of the pocket and not high to the left.
Fun dyno to do, not the hardest one, but hard enough for the grade for someone of my length.
It was a long time ago that I still did a dyno like that.

In my topo it didn't have no name yet, but in the meantime it received one.
It was a funny surprise to find out that it's called "Ice Scream".

Fontainebleau - Apremont Bizons - Ice Scream 7A

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