Wednesday, March 31, 2021

March 31, 2021 - There we go again.

It was to be expected; two weeks after 19 departments, including Seine-et-Marne, were placed in quarantine again, now the whole country is back at it. A bit less strict than the other times, but still, I am totally fed up with being told until where and until what time I am allowed to go out. I am the owner of my body, and I know when and where to pick up my responsibility and make my own decisions. I, like many others, am always alone in the forest and there is more than enough to do within a 10 km radius from my house, but I can't grasp the fact that doing the exact same thing, being completely alone in the forest, past those 10 km or after 19h, can technically cause me to be fined. It's absolutely ridiculous.
To be clear, I stick to the rules only because I don't want to be fined and thanks to living so close to the forest, but the fact that these rules are being imposed by an entity that has no affinity with me at all is like spitting in the face of freedom. I agree that we need rules to make the system work, but they have to reasonable.

Had a quick climb after work, at only 100m from home and before 19h, and opened a new line on the boulder of "Cadeau Pour un Confiné", boulder 24 on the topo on Bois d'Auvers - Topo Auvers (

Fontainebleau - Bois d'Auvers - Traverser Pour un Confiné 7A

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