My only climbing goal for today was "Complainte de Vallée (droite)" in the beautiful Vallée Chaude.
The idea was to walk slowly to the boulder, of which I knew was going to be in the shade nearly all day long. Another perfect boulder for a hot day like today, if you're willing to make the not so long, but hot walk down the little valley on a day like this.
It was already feeling quite hot when I walked down the Vallée Chaude at 10h45, but as mentioned earlier, I took it easy, walked slowly and got astonished once again by the beauty of this unspoiled area.
Each time that I passed here before, in every possible season, I couldn't resist to take a picture, just like today. But each time also, I am slightly disappointed how a flat picture can do injustice to the true beauty out there in real life.
La Vallée (très) Chaude.
I had done the easier left exit, "Complainte de Vallée (gauche)", in October 2017 and watched my video of it this morning to remind myself of the beta that I used, as the first part is the same as for "Complainte de Vallée (droite)", the harder exit on the right.
The first part went fine from the first attempt, until I arrived at the crux going to the right.
I took my time to work out the crux and the remaining moves, changed my method a couple of times and found one that suited me more than the two videos that I had seen from it.
I messed up my attempt from the start because of a bad foot placement that I couldn't correct anymore, but was able to send it the attempt after.
Fontainebleau - Vallée Chaude - Complainte de Vallée (droite) 7B+(7C)
I stayed a while longer and relaxed in the shade before I started the walk through the valley in the sun.
It was even more hot than before, it was uphill and the crashpad felt heavy, but no, there was no reason to complain.
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