Monday, July 26, 2021

July 26, 2021 - Big bang.

The French Parliament's decision yesterday evening to vote for the 'Pass Sanitaire' and the obligation for all health care workers to be CV19 vaccinated has not gone by without a bang. The obligation not only counts for health care workers, but anyone who works in a hospital or care/nursing home, going from the cleaning personnel to the head surgeon.
There are some parts that were not approved, even though none of great interest. What shocked me the most, is that health care personnel will not be fired if they decide not to get the injection, but will be put on leave without salary. This means that they are either forced to take the injection to get their salary back or quit their jobs. The latter will make them loose any benefit from the state for being jobless. These are the same people that were asked to continue working after testing positive to CV19, but showing no symptoms or not feeling sick. These are the same people that many of us applauded for every evening. Now they get the spit in their face.
Is this really what we want this country, the country of  'Les Droits de l'Homme' (the human rights), to become ? A country where medical choice is punished financially, but also by taking away certain liberties and God given rights.
We have supported and coped with many restrictions over the past year and a half, but I have a feeling that they have gone a step too far now. Counter reactions have started but not being reported on by mainstream media, and when they are, they are being minimized. I have a feeling though that people can no longer be silenced and that this decision could turn out in quite a big bang.
Conveniently, the amendment to require that same 'Pass Sanitaire' for government deputies to enter the Senate/Parliament, places where more than fifty people are gathered, has been rejected. Another spit in the face. They should be ashamed of themselves.

The names of the two problems that I climbed today in Beauvais Hameau are in line with the bang.

Fontainebleau - Beauvais Hameau - Matière Explosive (raccourci) 7B(7B+)

Fontainebleau - Beauvais Hameau - Le Détonateur (assis) 7B

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