Monday, June 18, 2018

June 18, 2018 - Good thing that it's Monday.

It was an extremely stressed out day at work today and the work load was almost unbearable.
Good thing that it's Monday though, because then my oldest son, Anthony, has climbing training in Buthiers.
When the weather is good like today, this gives me the occasion to drive to straight from work to Buthiers, giving me about an hour to climb outside while waiting for Anthony's training to finish.

It was hot, but "Dark Room", closely surrounded by huge boulders, is always in the shade.
The shade was welcome, but the surrounding boulders also prevented the wind from reaching me to cool me down and it didn't take long before I was covered with pearls of sweat.
Luckily it didn't me long either to send this very nice line.

Fontainebleau - Buthiers Tennis - Dark Room 7A+(7B)

No more sign of the stress from the day.

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