Saturday, June 16, 2018

June 16, 2016 - Mixed feelings.

It was nice to receive a message from Pieter yesterday, in which he wrote that he was coming to the Bleau for the weekend. After having spent some time in Japan and recovering from a finger injury, it was almost three months ago since his last visit.
We met this morning on the parking of Franchard Isatis, which was surprisingly empty apart from a handful of cars. The plan was to start in Franchard Hautes Plaines where I wanted to try "Deux Faux Plis en Plats Réels".
When we passed "Le Mur Lombard" on our way, Pieter mentioned that he hadn't been able to top it yet and after some hesitation, he decided to go for it and sent it not even fifteen minutes later.
Great start of the weekend for him!

We spent quite some time in "Deux Faux Plis ...", I finally managed to do all the moves separately except for the last one, but it shut us down, and with some frustration from my side, we gave up on it.
We moved to the nearby "Pulpfriction", which we found was way too morpho for the conventional method.
Somehow, we didn't even get through it using the unconventional method, so even more frustrated, we decided to walk up the hill to the isolated boulder of "Yodakov". One that was on my list.

With "Yodakov", even though I could barely move in it a few years ago, frustration made place for joy and relief when I topped it out.
Pieter again forgot about the sitstart, which barely adds anything to a standing start, and finished it too.
We quickly forgot about the failed attempts in the previous problems.

Fontainebleau - Franchard Hautes Plaines - Yodakov 7B

A short break later, we bumped into the Belgians Sandrine and her boyfriend Bart, who decided to join us to "L'O Minéral". It was no luxury, because the extra crashpads and spotters were necessary on this beautiful line with a very bad landing from quite high. Don't be fooled by the video, it's a very bad landing.
After some tries and some falls, we gained confidence and I was able to push through and top out.
Pieter had payed attention to my beta and sent it soon after.
Truly a beauty this one!

Fontainebleau - Franchard Hautes Plaines - L'O Minéral 7A(7A+)

We finished with another shut down, but this time in "Métromotrice".
The frustration didn't come back though. There were enough excuses this time and joy had taken over the upper hand.

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