Saturday, February 12, 2022

February 12, 2022 - No cherry on the cake.

I went to Franchard Raymond today with the intent of trying "Futebol (assis)". I had done the standing start in September 2016, so as a warm up, I was able to repeat it fairly quickly as opposed to back in 2016. I could have filmed it again, but as I already had a video of it, I decided not to. Maybe I should have, because the sitstart proved to be way too hard for me, at least that first move. I didn't feel like spending a whole morning on only one move, realizing that it might as well be too morpho anyway. I had a cake, but not the cherry.
Below is the video from the standing start in September 2016.

Fontainebleau - Franchard Raymond - Futebol 7B+

I looked for something else nearby, and my curiosity was caught by "Épiphyse". A nice looking prow with bad slopers and tiny crimps. It turned out to be harder than I expected, but I persisted and ended up doing probably the most ugly ascent of this otherwise so nice problem. I honestly couldn't care less, because the goal is to get on top, which in the end, I did.

Fontainebleau - Franchard Raymond - Épiphyse 7B

Strolling around the area, I stumbled upon "Sans Pâtisserie", that I was able to do on my second attempt despite the very hard mantle on nothing but very bad slopers.

Fontainebleau - Franchard Raymond - Sans Pâtisserie 7A+

The remaining time, I spent on trying "La Force Tectonique", but I didn't get further than working out the first three or four moves. Some other time maybe, or maybe not.

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