Saturday, June 20, 2020

June 20, 2020 - So long Jerre.

Ten days ago, one of my cousins, Jeroen 'de Jerre', was taken away from us at the young age of 37 years; leaving behind two beautiful young daughters.De Jerre was going to be 38 in eight days from today.
He was cremated this morning in Belgium, but I watched the remembrance ceremony with my phone on a private live stream. I couldn't think of a better place than somewhere deep in the forest, a place where I could be completely alone.
There I was this morning, in Franchard Basses Plaines, sitting on top of a boulder partly in the sun, but mostly in the shade from the high pine trees. The scenery was beautiful, but tears were rolling down my my cheeks as I watched the stream.
When the ceremony was over, I looked up and for a couple of minutes, watched the clouds passing by slowly and knew that somewhere there, de Jerre is there too. My ascents from today are devoted to him.

Started with topping "Désolé, Oiseau" on my first attempt. A very nice line this one.

Fontainebleau - Franchard Basses Plaines - Désolé, Oiseau 7A

Followed by "Le Marquis" on my second attempt.

Fontainebleau - Franchard Basses Plaines - Le Marquis 7A+

Spent quite some time on the new and much harder "Flanelle", my fingers were getting sweaty and I made a couple of bad falls on the last move, after slipping off a marbled crimp. Definitely made it to my to-do list.
I finished with "Turtlebum", which would be more like a soft 7A+ if that move wouldn't be so reachy.

Fontainebleau - Franchard Basses Plaines - Turtlebum 7B

So long Jerre, so long. You will be remembered!

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