Saturday, September 14, 2019

September 14, 2019 - Who's counting?

Yesterday afternoon, I wandered around the Cuvier area and ended up trying "Aeroheart" and got shut down on it. I lost count on the amount of times I couldn't find any friction on the very last sloper until loosing balance and falling off.
The warm rock surface combined with countless layers of magnesia on greasy-like slopers and bad skin weren't exactly good conditions, but nevertheless, it felt frustrating. The forest is in a desperate need of some longer hard rain to wash the boulders clean.

After having spent yesterday afternoon in the crowd of Cuvier, I was in need of some solitude this morning, so I headed toward Côtes de Courances, deep in the Coquibus. As some might know by now, one of my favourite parts of the forest, if not the one.
Manuel (Marquès) has opened quite a few new problems in the area, where the boulders are scattered around, but despite the vague location description, I had an idea where to be.
Almost all the boulders are quite a far walk there, but the as the forest is so beautiful, all I do is enjoy it.

I found "Un Quart de Cercle" more or less where I had expected it to be, right next to "Pas Normal Celui-Là", but the latter has such a bad landing that I didn't even think for a second trying, so I started with the first.
I don't know many times I hurt my leg trying to get that right toehook on the good spot, but the bruises and black spots show that it's a lot. I didn't count them though.
Quite a nice problem this one.

Fontainebleau - Côtes de Courances - Un Quart de Cercle 7B(7B+)

Further up the steep hill, just below the viewpoint, Manuel opened some problems on a nice low roof, luckily I was able to reach it easily, something that isn't always for granted in the chaos of the sector.
Make sure that if you happen to be around, to go up to viewpoint and enjoy the magnificent view over this valley in the Coquibus.

One of the breathtaking viewpoints of Côtes de Courances.

The only problem that I was interested in for now, on the small roof, was "La Mémoire du Futur (direct)".
Don't be fooled by the good looking rail under the roof, it is very slopey and not very convenient to keep a grip on. Very fun problem though!

Fontainebleau - Côtes de Courances - La Mémoire du Futur (direct) 7A+

It struck me this week, that I apparently already have almost 1200 videos on my YouTube channel, with nearly 400 000 views, a little over 220 subscribers, have done almost 1100 7A and above in Bleau and turned 40 yesterday. But hey, who's counting?

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