Wednesday, May 23, 2018

May 23, 2018 - It sank the Titanic.

I had some more time this evening and most of it was spent in the back of Franchard Isatis.
After lacking enough motivation to really try hard in "Burn to Shine (gauche)", I quickly gave up on it and moved over to the nearby "Iceberg" boulder.

I remember looking at it for the first time many years ago, thinking how "Iceberg (raccourci)" could be 7A+. It just looked to easy for that.
Boy, did I have lesson in humbleness there!
It quickly became clear that "Iceberg (raccourci)" was not to be underestimated. It even sank the Titanic!
A couple of short sessions later spread over some years, I still hadn't managed to climb it, but last time was a long time ago, so why not.

Finally this evening, after quite some tries, I figured out how to move in it and topped it out not long after.
Some delicate moving in this one!

Fontainebleau - Franchard Isatis - Iceberg (raccourci) 7A+

Despite being plagued by a constantly slipping right foot, I soon after also topped the sitstart, "Iceberg (raccourci assis)".
The sitstart doesn't make it much harder, but the extra moves at the start make the line much nicer!

Fontainebleau - Franchard Isatis - Iceberg (raccourci assis) 7B+(7C)

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