Wednesday, April 11, 2018

April 11, 2018 - Seconds count.

I met C and his wife Giorgia at Gorge aux Châts this evening, but the rock felt quite warm and the conditions didn't feel good.
Despite that, while C was working the moves of "Le Pare Dessus", I was able to repeat first attempt as a warmup climb.

Playing around a little bit, I discovered that the first moves of "L'Ami Sanglier (du fond)" were more fun than I expected and decided to give it some real tries.
It only took me two, but all the moves combined together, this was more than enough.

A very atypic, special, but fun line!
We believe that the grade depends on how many seconds one rests while being tucked in the small "cave".

Fontainebleau - Gorge aux Châts - L'Ami Sanglier (du fond) 6C+(7A)

C was able to do all the moves separately but finishing "Le Pare Dessus" will be for a next visit.

1 comment:

  1. Kunnen we da filmke nog ne keer herdoen? Ik zie der precies nogal dik uit...
